Saturday, February 16, 2008

Life is Short, Trees are Tall

My 15 year old niece, Keats, is visiting from Idaho. In exchange for her plane ticket, I put her to work–both as an envelope stuffer for our current promo mailing and, naturally, as a model. She packed a variety of clothes to wear for our extemporaneous shoots during her stay. My goal is to make her visits entertaining while I stay productive.

Photography is not a desk job. I've often considered a multitude of ways I might meet my end while pursuing my craft. Perhaps stepping off a cliff while using my telephoto lens or falling off the back of a motorcycle. But yesterday while shooting at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica I found another potential way to croak creatively.

I'm following my niece as she walks. She's to my side and I'm watching her through the viewfinder with my left eye. I thought I had surveyed a length of sidewalk before I put the camera to my eye to be sure my way was clear but before I knew it, I walked smack into the middle of a palm tree.

The absolute surprise of it hurt as much as anything. If anyone caught the mishap on video it might be a hit on YouTube. The good part is I'm OK, my niece is still here and my camera works. I've promised to do a shoot with her today. Maybe a shoot in the studio or her taking surfing lessons. Whatever we decide to do, I'll take the camera down from my face before I walk too far.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Google web analytics recently reported that an anonymous user surfing the web using keywords "moccasins" and "K-Mart" was directed to as the most relevant site. My site was deemed relevant because in my bio I happen to mention both moccasins and K-Mart. And now that I am mentioning both keywords again here in my blog, my site must surely be more relevant than ever to a user searching for moccasins at K-Mart. While this revelancy may seem erroneous, sometimes good connections are made serendipitously. Who knows, if I can get enough users to surf the web for moccasins at K-Mart, I'll get hired by K-Mart to shoot moccasins. Wish me luck!