Thursday, April 22, 2010



The Bull of Minos.

According to Briney Reynolds; I, one, James John Jetel, am the progeny of Pasiphae and the mythic Cretan Bull.

There is really nothing I can do to prove him wrong. However, anyone reading this may email my mother at . Her name is Janet.

Moving on.
I think it's time to broach the subject of Eric's physical indestructibility. I don't really know how to put this, but I watched Eric Raptosh somehow manage to appear in control of the horse dragging him by his ankle across the field in front of the Reynolds house. Yep. It was awesome, you know, once I found out he was completely unharmed. Not only completely unharmed, but he felt more "alive" after the fact.

Prior to the epic dragging, I had loaned my giant boots to the gracious and fabulous model Deirdre King. Therefore I was relegated dry, sock friendly areas. Due to my zoning, I had the privilege of being at a vantage point which expressed the sheer speed with which a horse can haul a human.

Really friggin' fast.

It's getting late here in Cork...Tomorrow I'll tell you about the Silvermine Mountains, Tipperary, and Count Yorga.

1 comment:

Keats said...

What? No discussion of the origins of the nickname of a certain HD?!